Soo, let’s talk about the giant elephant in the room, the L-Word, yup, leggings! Lately there has been a lot of bad press saying that LuLaRoe leggings are so defective that they “rip like wet tissue paper”, there has also been various lawsuits concerning holes in the leggings. LuLaRoe has always stated that they stand behind […]
Startup Costs for a Direct Sales Clothing Business
Congratulations you have decided to own your very own direct sales clothing boutique. In addition to the inventory that you will purchase from the company to start your business, there are additional supplies that you will need that need to be considered in the start-up costs. My boutique features clothes from LuLaRoe, so in addition […]
Direct Sales Clothing Company: Advice On How To Choose One
Have you been researching a particular direct sales clothing company? Over the past five years more and more companies have started popping up, making the dreams of many women to own a clothing boutique a reality. Has this been your dream? It was definitely one of mine. With so many companies to choose from such […]